Saving Lives: Why Learning CPR Is So Important

Saving Lives: Why Learning CPR Is So Important

The Life-Saving Benefits Of Learning CPR

It is important to understand how to do CPR. This is a life-saving skill that everyone should have. That’s why choosing the right place to learn is critical. At Illinois Safety, we teach people how to help people where they need it most legally. This includes knowing how to do CPR and BLS. Call us at (630) 290-4280 or fill out this form if you have any questions

We have a good Basic and Advanced Heart Training (AHA & ASHI) program. We also offer AHA BLS training online. You can also check out our location and read some of the reviews from our clients.

What Is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Or CPR?

CPR is a way to save a person’s life that involves pushing on the chest and giving rescue breaths. Most of the time, CPR is performed on people who have had a heart attack. You can also use it on people out of it because they choked or took too much drugs.

CPR is done on someone whose heart has stopped beating normally and who isn’t breathing normally. It includes both pressing on the chest and breathing for the person. This can help keep the blood moving until the emergency medical services (EMS) show up. When done right, CPR can double or triple a person’s chances of surviving a sudden cardiac arrest.


How Does CPR Perform?

It is a simple but important way to bring someone back to life after they have stopped breathing. To do this method, put the heel of your hand between the person’s ribs and push down with both hands at least 2 inches. The pressure should be exerted at 30 compressions every 10 seconds. This should be followed by one rescue breath given after each set.

This means you should keep pushing down and breathing in and out until help comes or the person wakes up. If you need more help, you can use an AED device. You will be told what to do by this machine. It is very important to follow the instructions on the AED machine when doing CPR.

The process is quite simple, but it needs to be delicate because you are battling against life and death. With this, proper training must be done for you to do it properly and effectively. 

Learning CPR To Save Someone's Life
Learning CPR To Save Someone's Life

Reasons Why Learning CPR Is So Important

Learning CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is an important skill to have. It has the potential to save lives and give medical care to people who need it. It can also give you peace of mind to know you’re doing something good for your community.

Here are 12 reasons why learning CPR is essential:

1. It Could Help Save Your Own Life

It is a skill that is very useful to have. This technique can help someone who is not breathing. You have to be trained and certified to do it. This means you have the knowledge and skills you need. If you know CPR, you can help someone immediately and even save their life.

Also, if you are in an urgent situation with no one to help you, you need to know how to do it yourself. This might make a huge difference! By learning this skill, you can handle any medical emergency, giving you peace of mind.

2. Accidents Happen

It is very important to know how to use this method. If you know how to do CPR, you can help people who have been hurt. Someone might be drowning or having a heart attack when you find them. If you know this, you can help that person stay alive.

If you know what to do in an emergency, you can help save lives. You can always learn something new. CPR can be done without any training. If you have some help, you can learn in a short amount of time. Once you have learned the basics, you should brush up on them every few years and keep practicing. This will allow you to help the people around you get better. It will also help you remember what you have learned for the rest of your life.

3. You Can Use It Until Help Arrives

Learning CPR is a life-saving skill that everyone should be aware of. Did you know that time and quick action are important when saving someone’s life? A cardiac arrest can kill in minutes. With each five-minute delay, the chance of survival decreases by 10%.

If you know how to do this life-saving method, you might be able to save someone’s life. If you see someone who is hurt and not breathing, you can try CPR. It is important to take a course to know how to do it correctly. It only takes a few hours and could be very useful someday.

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4. It's Easier Than You Might Think

This skill can help save someone’s life. It is a good feeling to be able to help someone in an emergency. Learning it is easier than you might think.

Most CPR courses provide guidelines that are easy to understand. It includes demonstrations that are easy to follow. These courses also offer small class sizes. You can get more attention and make sure you are learning everything correctly. So don’t be afraid of learning CPR—you’ll soon realize it’s simpler than you expected!

Take CPR Classes
Take CPR Classes

5. You'll Be More Confident

Enrolling in online CPR classes or physical CPR classes and getting certified means you know how to do it, and this could save someone’s life someday. Knowing CPR will make you feel confident and prepared if someone ever needs your help. You will feel good knowing that you did everything possible to save another person’s life.

It is good to know what to do in an emergency. It is also good to remember that anyone can learn this method and help people during an emergency. Why not learn CPR? It could help you save a life one day.

6. You Can Enjoy It

It is something that everyone can find fun and useful. If you learn how to do it, you could help people in the medical field or just people in your community. It might also make you feel like you have done something good. You might feel good about the fact that you might be able to save someone’s life in an emergency.

CPR is a skill you can learn and can be fun too! When you know this, you can help other people. So, realizing this thing is a good way to spend your time.

7. Cardiac Arrest And Heart Disease Increase

This is a good skill to know in an emergency. As heart diseases like cardiac arrest become more common, it is important to understand how to do these things. It can also make you feel more prepared and help you avoid them.

Each year, more than 350,000 people have heart attacks outside of hospitals. If you know CPR, you can save their lives. When you take physical or online first aid classes or CPR training, you learn what to do in an emergency. You will also learn how to keep from getting hurt. If someone has a heart attack, you, your friends, and your family must all know CPR.

8. Increase Employment Rate

It is a very important skill because it can save someone’s life. Did you know that, in some jobs, learning CPR can also help you get the job? Some companies now require their employees to be certified in CPR. This means that they have been trained in how to do CPR correctly.

This helps make entities safer places for both customers and employees. It also leads to more people getting jobs. Using CPR’s benefits is good for people’s health and the economy.

Illinois Safety

If a person’s heart stops beating, it is important to start chest compressions immediately. The earlier you start, the better chance they have of making it. That is why knowing CPR and how to do it right is so important. If you want to learn CPR or have questions about it, Illinois Safety is happy to help!

We provide CPR safety training for anyone who needs it in the state. We have everything you need to be prepared if something bad happens. Our instructors are certified by different safety agencies and organizations. We focus on each student so that they understand the material.

We ensure everyone gets information about safety that could help them save a life. With us, you can relax and know you have the right knowledge and certification to deal with it well. Contact us today at  (630) 290-4280 and schedule your training!

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Frequently Asked Questions

CPR combines mouth-to-mouth breathing and chest compressions to temporarily pump enough blood to the brain until specialized treatment can be administered. Chest compressions are the first step in CPR.


CPR is performed with 100 to 120 compressions and rescue breaths. Place one hand’s heel on the person’s chest, followed by the palm of the other hand, and press down 5 to 6cm (2 to 2.5 inches) at a steady rate of 100 to 120 compressions per minute. After every 30 chest compressions, take two rescue breaths.


30 compressions followed by 2 breaths are known as “30:2” compressions. Aim for 5 sets of 30:2 in about 2 minutes (if only doing compressions about 100 – 120 compressions per minute).


If a single rescuer is used, infants and children should be given two breaths every 30 compressions, and two breaths every 15 compressions if two rescuers are used.